This is the VOA Special English Development Report.

The government of Thailand has a new program to sell as many asone million low-cost computers to the public. Thailand’s minister ofinformation, communication and technology, Surapong Suebwonglee[SUE-ray-pong su-EB-wong-lee], developed the campaign.

Mister Surapong reportedly had read a story about low-costtechnology in the United States. The story was about the Americanstore Wal-Mart selling computers for around two-hundred dollars.Britain’s Financial Times newspaper says Mister Surapong laterlearned that the price did not include the monitor. But he decidedto make computers something people without much money could buy. Hecalled on local computer makers for help.

Under the program, the machines will cost between abouttwo-hundred-fifty and four-hundred-fifty dollars. This is about halfthe price of the least expensive computer now on sale in Thailand.

Costs are low because older technology will be used. However,Mister Surapong says each machine will be able to connect to theInternet. In addition, people may be able to buy newer technologyfor their computers.

The machines will run on the Linux operating system. LinusTorvalds created this program while studying at the University ofHelsinki in Finland. He made the system free to the public innineteen-ninety-four. Computer programmers around the world havesince added improvements to the Linux operating system.

Mister Surapong says the goal of the campaign is to help morepeople learn about computers. This, he says, will help make Thailandmore economically competitive. A loan program has been set up tohelp buyers pay for their computer.

Recently, thousands of Thais waited for hours in the heat on thefirst day to pay money toward the purchase of a laptop or desktopcomputer. But some were not happy with what they found. They saidthe computers were not powerful enough for their needs, or in somecases did not have floppy disk or CD-ROM drives included.

The information technology minister says the campaign is aimed atpeople who want to buy their first computer. He says people who wantbetter machines can buy them from a store. Officials expect thefirst shipment of computers on July first.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss.