This is Robert Cohen with the VOA Special English DevelopmentReport.

December first is World AIDS Day. The message at events this yearis “Live and Let Live.” The aim is to end unfair treatment of peoplewith H-I-V and AIDS. Experts say such discrimination remains abarrier to prevention and care.

The United Nations reported last week that the spread of AIDSshows no signs of easing. It says an estimated forty-million peopleare living with the virus. These include two-and-a-half millionchildren. Worldwide, the report says five-million people becameinfected with H-I-V and three-million died this year — the mostever.

Doctor Peter Piot heads the UnitedNations AIDS program. He says AIDS is spreading fastest in EasternEurope, especially Russia. The Caribbean continues to experiencehigh levels of infection. And, he says there could be majorincreases in China, India and Indonesia.

One out of five adults in southern Africa is living with H-I-V orAIDS. Southern Africa remains the worst affected part of the world.But Doctor Piot says there is a sharp increase in parts of westernAfrica, such as in Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Nigeria.

Sex, infected blood and the sharing of injection needles can allspread the AIDS virus. AIDS was first discovered in thenineteen-eighties. Now, more women than men become infected withH-I-V. And Doctor Piot warns that the ability of countries toprovide services has dropped as many health workers become infected.

The U-N says South Africa had more people with H-I-V at the endof last year than any other country. It had an estimatedfive-point-three million cases, around eleven percent of thepopulation. Last month South Africa announced a plan to provideanti-retroviral medicines for free. These drugs restrain the spreadof the virus.

South Africa says it hopes to have centers open in every healthdistrict within a year and in every local area within five years.The plan also includes money for public education and training forhealth care workers.

Until now, the government has said the drugs cost too much andcould cause harm. However, the cost of three AIDS drugs taken as acombination will be cut by almost one-third. This will happen underan agreement negotiated by the Clinton Foundation. Former AmericanPresident Bill Clinton says that if the South African program issuccessful, other nations could follow it.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss. This is Robert Cohen.