This is Robert Cohen with the VOA Special English DevelopmentReport.

More than three-million people died of AIDS last year. Theestimate is that five-million others became infected with H.I.V.,the virus that causes the disease. And there are warnings about whatcould happen unless much more is done to increase efforts to preventAIDS. Right now, researchers say around forty-million people areliving with the virus. The United Nations says there could beforty-five million new cases by two-thousand-ten.

Public health experts say the media have a central part to playin the fight against AIDS. They point to drama series on televisionand radio in a number of countries.

In Ivory Coast, for example, the weekly show “AIDS in the City”has been on television since nineteen-ninety-four. The program tellsstories with actors in an effort to educate people about AIDS.Recently, broadcasts of the show were extended into nine othercountries in West and Central Africa.

Researchers say about two-thirdsof people in South Africa watch the show “Soul City.” This programhas dealt with other social issues in addition to H.I.V/AIDS. Theseinclude violence against women and alcoholism. “Soul City” alsobegan in nineteen-ninety-four.

A show created with BBC help has become one of India’smost-watched dramas. In “Detective Vijay,” the main hero is apoliceman with H.I.V. A United Nations report says the programappears to be educating people. The report says eighty-five percentof those questioned had learned something new about AIDS from theshow.

But people who watch have yet to learn how Detective Vijay becameinfected. One of the main ways to get AIDS is through sex. Manypeople consider public discussion of such issues culturallyunacceptable.

In China, millions watch a daily program called “OrdinaryPeople.” A non-profit group based in the United States helped createthis drama show about social issues. The group is called PopulationCommunications International. P.C.I. assists governments, localgroups, and radio and television stations to develop mediacampaigns. The group supports what it calls the magic ofentertainment for social change.

P.C.I. is on the Internet at The mailing addressis: P.C.I., seven-seven-seven United Nations Plaza, fifth floor, NewYork, New York, one-zero-zero-one-seven, U-S-A.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss. This is Robert Cohen.