This is Robert Cohen with the VOA Special English DevelopmentReport.

Women trained to help with childbirth celebrated InternationalDay of the Midwife last week. The observance takes place each yearon May fifth. It is organized by the International Confederation ofMidwives. This group began in Belgium in nineteen-nineteen as theInternational Midwives Union. Today, it has member organizations inmore than fifty countries.

The World Health Organization estimates that more than half amillion women each year die during pregnancy or childbirth. Bloodloss and infection are two of the major causes. Others includediseases like AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. But many more womensuffer injuries in childbirth. An estimated fifteen-million womeneach year are damaged so badly that they never fully recover.

Experts say many deaths could be avoided if more women gave birthwith skilled help. An estimated fifty-eight percent of women indeveloping countries have a trained healthcare worker present duringbirth.

Africa has the highest death rate for mothers. The British RoyalCollege of Midwives estimates that one woman dies for every sixteenbabies that survive birth in Africa. India, Pakistan and Afghanistanalso have high rates of maternal deaths.

The Royal College of Midwives has launched Safe Motherhoodprojects around the world to expand health services for women. Italso raises money on the International Day of the Midwife to providetransportation for midwives to reach those who need them. Forexample, money is raised for cars for Sierra Leone, bicycles forKenya and Cambodia, and donkeys for midwives in Lebanon.

An American-based group called theAfghan Relief Organization is launching a program in Afghanistan. Itsays there are few trained women there to assist with childbirth.The organization hopes to teach women to become midwives. They willlearn how to deliver babies in homes, even if there is noelectricity or modern medicine. The new midwives will also helpeducate mothers about family planning, nutrition, childcare andother health issues.

The Afghan Relief Organization says it plans to mainly trainwomen who live outside of Kabul. The Institute for War and PeaceReporting says that in some areas of Afghanistan, more than sixtypercent of women die giving birth.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss. This is Robert Cohen.