Category: 流行美语 (Popular American English)

2011-01-25 流行美语 – 124. hardcore, to take it out on someone

李华和Larry在看大学美式足球赛。今天李华会学到两个常用语:hardcore和to take it out on someone. (Football crowd noise) LH: 噢!今天真够冷的。Larry,你看看那边那几个家伙,这么冷的天,还打赤膊,身上涂满了漆。你说,他们这不是疯了吗? LL: (Yelling) Come on, go, go, go! First down! Yeah! What’s that Li Hua? No, those guys aren’t crazy.…

2011-01-23 流行美语 – 122. on edge, give it a rest

李华和Larry今天又到购物中心去采购圣诞礼物。李华会学到两个常用语:on edge和give it a rest. (Crowded mall FX) LH: 我真搞不懂耶!还有几个星期就要过圣诞节了,可是有些人看起来好像不是很开心,好像很紧张,很烦躁呢! LL: Oh, well, when people are busy doing their Christmas shopping, they can sometimes be a little on edge. LH:…

2011-01-22 流行美语 – 121. to be beat, to O.D. on something

今天Larry和李华花了大半天时间在购物中心里,采购圣诞礼物。今天李华会学到两个常用语:to be beat和to O.D. on something. LL: The mall was so crowded! I’m totally beat from fighting the crowds all day long. LH: 就是啊!我从来没有看过这么多人一块儿逛街。哎,Larry,你刚才说I’m beat,是不是说我们挤在人群里的时候,有人打你啊? LL: No, nobody hit me.…

2011-01-21 流行美语 – 120. stick to something, give something a shot

今天Larry和李华要到体育馆去和几个朋友打篮球。李华会学到两个常用语:stick to something和give something a shot. LL: Hey, Li Hua, are you looking forward to today’s game? LH: 嗨,其实我的篮球打得不怎么样。我倒想试试其他的运动。 LL: You’ll get better. You’ve only been playing basketball for a…

2011-01-19 流行美语 – 118. flunk, lose sleep over

李华正在家里批改中文班学生的考卷。Larry来找他。今天李华会学到两个常用语:flunk和lose sleep over. LH: (sighs) 唉,这两个学生又不及格了。这学期他们已经是第三次考试不及格了! LL: What? You’re flunking them? I thought I told you to go easy on your poor students. LH: 你在说什么啊?flunk them? 什么是flunk? LL: I said…

2011-01-18 流行美语 – 117. flip flop, wishy-washy

今天Larry和李华在校园里闲逛,校园里到处都贴满了选举传单。今天李华会学到两个常用语:flip flop和wishy-washy. LL: Hey, Li Hua who do you support for class president? LH: 我觉得Gary Lawrence当学生会主席应该是不错的。他看起来挺老实,也很勤奋。 LL: Gary Lawrence? But he flip-flops all of the time. One minute he’s in…

2011-01-17 流行美语 – 116. to blow it, to wing it

Larry和李华两人正在做菜,准备一会儿带到朋友家参加party。今天李华会学到两个常用语:to blow it和to wing it. LH: Larry, 那是什么味道?(sniffing) ………哎呀,糟了!是猪排烤焦了啦! LL: What? Oh no! I ruined them. They’re stuck to the bottom of the pot. I blew it! LH: 你在说什么啊!你是把猪排烤焦了,又没有吹坏什么东西!你怎么说blow it呢?…

2011-01-16 流行美语 – 115. bling, booze

Larry和李华在书店里看书。李华在看一本流行时装杂志。今天李华会学到两个常用语:bling和booze. LL: I just found an interesting book on World War II. What are you reading, Li Hua? LH: 我啊,我在看一本时装杂志,他们在批评茱莉亚罗勃兹,说她在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,戴了太多的bling。Larry,什么是bling啊? LL: Oh, that’s a new word for really big, shiny…

2011-01-15 流行美语 – 114. cop out, to get worked up

李华和Larry在学生中心的咖啡馆里休息。今天李华会学到两个常用语:cop out和to get worked up. LL: Hey Li Hua. Some friends and I are planning to go camping and hiking next month. Do you want to come along? LH: 嗯…去露营啊?嗯,下个月我可能会很忙耶!噢!对!那个周末我已经答应帮我邻居照顾他的狗。…

2011-01-13 流行美语 – 112. flab, ripped

李华在学校体育馆里碰到Larry,今天李华会学到两个常用语: flab和ripped. LH: 哇!Larry! 你怎么满头大汗的?你在做什么啊? LL: I’ve been out running. I’m trying to burn all this flab on my stomach! LH: 噢!原来你刚才是去跑步啦,怪不得一身都是汗。哎,你还说你是要燃烧掉什么?哎!该不是要靠锻炼来去掉你身上多余的脂肪吧? LL: That’s right! Flab means fat, especially loose…