礼节美语 – 163. Staycation 居家度假 (1)
很久不见的好友Lisa, Karen和Gina一起吃饭。Lisa先到,注意听她帮朋友点了些什么菜。 Lisa: Karen! Gina! So good to see you! Sit down! Karen: Hi, Lisa! Gina: Good to see you, too! It’s been so long! L: Indeed it has! I…
一个让你免费在线学习VOA英语的好地方! 无须报名, 不收学费, 全年无休, 保证提高! (^_^)
很久不见的好友Lisa, Karen和Gina一起吃饭。Lisa先到,注意听她帮朋友点了些什么菜。 Lisa: Karen! Gina! So good to see you! Sit down! Karen: Hi, Lisa! Gina: Good to see you, too! It’s been so long! L: Indeed it has! I…
公司开会,经理Nick宣布,他们要在法兰克福的纺织品交易会上设展台。大家头脑激荡,看需要做哪些准备。Mark说, M: The booth staff shouldn’t give away too much info about our manufacturing process. Basically the only things they should make public are our company profile and our product…
公司开会,经理Nick宣布,他们要在法兰克福的纺织品博览会上设展台,大家头脑激荡,看需要做哪些准备。Elaine说, E: I think we should have a little pow-wow with the team who will be manning the booth. They need to understand how important their role is. First impressions…
公司开会, 经理Nick高兴地宣布, Nick: Well folks…I’ve got good news! Everything is finalized and we will be setting up a booth at the trade fair in Frankfurt! (Sound of people clapping) Elaine:…
项目主管Donny急冲冲地来找老板Simon,因为公司即将竣工的加工厂突然遇到了麻烦,当地质检官员以建设标准不合格为由,索取贿赂,Simon表示,这个钱坚决不能给。Donny问要怎么办? D: What would you like me to do? S: How much does this lowlife inspector want? D: About 2,500 dollars, sir. S: Well, I’m going to spend that same…
项目主管Donny急冲冲地来找老板Simon,因为公司即将竣工的加工厂遇到了麻烦。当地质检官员以不合格为由,索取贿赂。Donny说, D: I hate to play devil’s advocate, but doesn’t everyone who does business here pay kickbacks? It’s a part of the local culture. Maybe it’s easier to look the…
项目主管Donny急冲冲地来找老板Simon. Donny: Simon, there’s something we need to talk about. Simon: Go ahead, shoot. D: I think maybe we better step into your office. It’s a bit of a sensitive…
销售部的Steve, Faith和Katie围绕直觉展开了讨论。Katie说 Katie: I think perhaps everyone has different kinds of intuition. I’m a pretty bad judge of character, but I’m a wiz at picking stocks! Steve: You should go…
销售部的Steve, Faith和Katie开会讨论项目进展。Steve说, Steve: Ok, so are we all agreed that we’ll move forward on this project? Faith: You know, I’m not so sure. I have a funny feeling about this.…
Lisa向同事Jonah抱怨,美国机场安检太麻烦。Jonah解释说: J: Anyone could be a bad guy. Remember that guy who tried to blow up a plane with a bomb in his shoes? He got through security too easily…
Lisa从美国出差回来,同事Jonah问她此行的情况。 Jonah: Lisa! You’re home! Nice to see you! How was your trip to America? Lin: The trip was good, but boy, American airport security is such a hassle!! I…
公司被人状告索赔,同事们在讨论如何应对。 S: So how does this work? What will we have to do? B: A lawyer will stop by next week and take statements from each of us. S: What…
Barry召集公司同事开会,有个坏消息要宣布。 Barry: Well, folks…I’m afraid I have some bad news. Our lawyers told me this morning that we are being sued. Chris: Sued? Who’s suing us? Susan: And on what…
Mike出差刚回来,被时差折磨得痛苦不堪,向同事Larry咨询缓解时差的好办法。Larry说, Larry: Some people take herbal medicine, but there’s really no solid proof that it works. Some people take sleeping pills and try to sleep for the whole flight. M:…
Mike出差刚回来,遇到同事Larry. Larry: Hey, Mike! Good to have you back! You look exhausted! Mike: Hi, Larry. Yeah, I’m totally beat. I can barely keep my eyes open! L: Was it a…