学个词 – 3608. lexicon
今天我们要学的词是 lexicon. Lexicon is spelled L-E-X-I-C-O-N, lexicon. lexicon 的意思是词典,词汇库。 Universal’s Republic Records has decided to drop the use of the word “urban” from its lexicon in describing departments, employee titles,…
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今天我们要学的词是 lexicon. Lexicon is spelled L-E-X-I-C-O-N, lexicon. lexicon 的意思是词典,词汇库。 Universal’s Republic Records has decided to drop the use of the word “urban” from its lexicon in describing departments, employee titles,…
今天我们要学的词是 annex. Annex is spelled A-N-N-E-X, annex. annex 作为动词的意思是合并,吞并。 The future of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is in question as Israel prepares to annex parts of the West Bank in…
今天我们要学的词是 Pent-up. Pent-up is spelled P-E-N-T-hyphen-U-P, pent-up. pent-up 的意思是积压的,压抑的。 The CEO of Minneapolis-based Target, a retailer hit hard by angry protesters, said the death of George Floyd while detained by…
今天我们要学的词是 stave off. Stave off is spelled S-T-A-V-E, stave, and O-F-F, off, stave off. stave off 的意思是避开,阻止。 Singaporeans got perms and car repairs Tuesday when the first phase of life…
今天我们要学的词是 prerogative. Prerogative is spelled P-R-E-R-O-G-A-T-I-V-E, prerogative. prerogative 的意思是特权。 White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany left open the possibility that President Trump might invoke the Insurrection Act, saying that it…
今天我们要学的词是 deleterious. Deleterious is spelled D-E-L-E-T-E-R-I-O-U-S, deleterious. deleterious 的意思是有害的。 The economic impact of the novel coronavirus and trade tensions between economic powerhouses China and the United States have had deleterious…
今天我们要学的词是 precarious. Precarious is spelled P-R-E-C-A-R-I-O-U-S, precarious. precarious 的意思是岌岌可危的,不稳定的。While many are excited about the China-funded redevelopment of an iconic fishing community in Ghana, the demolition of over 300 temporary and…
今天我们要学的词是 knell. Knell is spelled K-N-E-L-L, knell. knell 的意思是丧钟。 The COVID-19 crisis could be the death knell for some polarizing office trends, such as the shared workspaces used by many…
今天我们要学的词是 albeit. Albeit is spelled A-L-B-E-I-T, albeit. albeit 是一个副词,意思是尽管。 Some passenger airplanes are preparing to rev up their engines again as countries begin to relax their travel restrictions and prepare…
今天我们要学的词是 crosshair. Crosshair is spelled C-R-O-S-S-H-A-I-R, crosshair. crosshair 直译过来就是十字准线,引申的意思是准星、靶向。 The nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, was the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak when it first started in the U.S., before…
今天我们要学的词是 assuage. Assuage is spelled A-S-S-U-A-G-E, assuage. assuage 的意思是缓和,安抚。 Changes to the rules about outdoor gatherings to allow bigger groups could be announced this week in the UK, as ministers…
今天我们要学的词是 rendezvous. Rendezvous is spelled R-E-N-D-E-Z-V-O-U-S, rendezvous. rendezvous 的意思是会合,对接。 Iran and Venezuela hailed victorious ‘defiance’ over the US as Venezuela’s Ocean Patroller rendezvoused with an Iranian tanker on Saturday in…
今天我们要学的词是 propel. Propel is spelled P-R-O-P-E-L, propel. propel 的意思是推进,推动。 With the launch of two NASA astronauts into orbit, SpaceX aims to propel the U.S. into a historic new era of…
今天我们要学的词是 Bumper crop. Bumper crop is spelled B-U-M-P-E-R, bumper, and C-R-O-P, crop, Bumper crop. Bumper crop 的意思是大丰收。 Summer fruits and vegetables have ripened, a bumper crop of wheat is ready…
今天我们要学的词是 wrought. Wrought is spelled W-R-O-U-G-H-T, wrought. wrought 作为形容词是指锻造成型的。作为动词的意思是造成,造就。U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin painted a bleak picture of the economic devastation the coronavirus pandemic…