Welcome to English in a Minute … from home!
Things like this peanut butter lid screw on to the right and off to the left. To remember this … we have a little expression. Let’s listen.
(Anna is fixing something.)
J: Anna, how is the repair coming along?
A: I’m trying to loosen this screw. But it’s stuck.
J: Remember lefty loosey, right-tighty.
A: I know, Jonathan.
J: No, your other left.
A: Thanks, Jonathan.
J: There you go. That’s right.
A: Be quiet, JOnathan!

“Lefty-loosey, righty tighty” reminds us how to loosen a screw. Turning to the left loosens it and turning it to the right makes it tighter. You just have to know your right from your left, Anna.

And that’s English in a Minute!